36th Symposium: Enzyme Structure and Function

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May 22, 2014 to May 24, 2014
Overture Center for the Performing Arts

Stamp with Mo Cleland and dithiothreitol molecular formulaThis symposium is hosted by the Department of Biochemistry and is in honor of the life of W. W. Cleland, our colleague and friend. The symposium will bring together leading scientists in the field to discuss their most recent research activities, and how they have been influenced by Professor Cleland’s remarkable contributions to enzyme chemistry.

The symposium promises to be both a great scientific experience as well as a chance for friends to come together to celebrate the life of our “mechanistic hero.”

Retrospective “Wm Wallace Cleland (1930 – 2013)” by Perry A. Frey, George H. Reed and Dexter B. Northrop

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


To Register

36th Steenbock Symposium Registration Form

The Registration fee includes admission to the talks and poster session, the program book, two receptions, two breakfasts, two lunches, breaks, and the closing banquet

Fees and Deadlines

Early Non-Student Registration – $225.00 by February 28, 2014
Regular Non-Student Registration – $275.00 by April 15, 2014
Student Registration – $200 by April 15, 2014

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be received in writing by May 1, 2014, in ordered to be refunded less a $50 administration fee. To cancel, please contact CALS Conference Services at conference@cals.wisc.edu and reference the 36th Steenbock Symposium.

Registration Questions

Please call CALS Conference Services at 608-263-1672 or email at conference@cals.wisc.edu and reference the 36th Steenbock Symposium.

Abstract Guidelines

Abstract deadline is March 28, 2014.
  1. All abstracts must be submitted electronically in PDF format. The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 28th, 2014.
  2. Please submit your PDF abstract as an email attachment and send it tosteenbock36_abstracts@biochem.wisc.edu.
  3. Please include your name and telephone number in the body of the email.
  4. If the PDF file is incorrectly formatted, you will be contacted for resubmission. See instructions below.
  5. The abstracts will be printed, copied, and distributed to registrants. When ready, a PDF file of the final abstracts will also be available on the Symposium website.
  6. No revisions will be accepted after April 15, 2014.
  7. Receipt will be acknowledgment by a return email.
Abstract Creation Instructions:
  1. Use any word processing program.
  2. Use any computer platform that supports PDF creation.
  3. The abstract, including images, must be a maximum of one page.
  4. Use only 12 pt Times or 12 pt Times New Roman Font throughout the abstract. Do not make the title bigger and the references smaller.
  5. Set up margins of 1.5 inch (3.5 cm) throughout (top, bottom and sides).
  6. Single space the abstract text, with a double space between the title, authors, and text.
  7. Title of abstract must be bold and in upper and lower case, i.e. This is the Abstract Title.
  8. Authors’ names in upper and lower case, i.e. John Doe, Jane Anyone and Jack Somebody.
  9. Underline the presenting author’s name.
  10. Following authors’ names, please list departmental and institutional affiliation, city, state, zip code, and country.
  11. Reference citations can be in any accepted format.
  12. Save your abstract as a PDF file, name the file “the presenting author’s last name.pdf”, and make sure you use the correct settings.
  13. Correct settings can be found on the Adobe web site.

Poster Info

  1. No larger than 3 x 4 feet (36 x 48 inches or 182.8 x 121.9 centimeters)
    Poster boards are not fixed so orientation is up to the presenter.
  2. Set up by noon on Friday, May 23.  Pins will be provided
  3. Take down by 5:30 pm Saturday


Thursday, May 22, 2014

4:00pm – 8:00pm Registration Check-in and Attendee Services – Promenade Terrace

6:00pm – 8:00pm Welcome Reception – Promenade Hall

Friday, May 23, 2014

7:45am – 4:00pm Attendee Services – Promenade Terrace

7:45am – 8:45am Continental Breakfast – Promenade Terrace

8:45am Welcome and Opening Remarks – Promenade Hall
Ivan Rayment, Michael G. Rossmann Professor Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Session I – Promenade Hall
Chair: Christopher T. Walsh, Hamilton Kuhn Distinguished Professor, Harvard Medical School

9:00am – 9:30am Visualizing H/D Exchange Kinetics from the Backbone of Proteins, Mo’s Way
Richard N. Armstrong, Professor, Departments of Biochemistry and Chemistry, Vanderbilt University

9:30am – 10:00am Mobile Domain: The Sharpest Tool in the Enzyme Tool Box
Debra Dunaway-Mariano, Professor, Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, University of New Mexico

10:00am – 10:20am Break

Session II – Promenade Hall
Chair: Rowena G. Matthews, G. Robert Greenberg Distinguished University Professor of Biological Chemistry Emeritus, Senior Research Scientist Emeritus at the Life Sciences Institute, University of Michigan

10:30am – 11:00am Radical Reactions in Biology
JoAnne Stubbe, Novartis Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Biology, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

11:00am – 11:30am Radical Enzymatic Transformations in tRNA Modification and Natural Product Biosynthesis
Vahe Bandarian, Associate Professor, Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Arizona

11:30am – 12:00pm A Radically Different Mechanism for Methylating Unactivated C-H Bonds
Squire J. Booker, Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Pennsylvania State University

12:00pm – 1:30pm Box Lunch – Promenade and Upper Lobbies

3:00pm – 6:00pm Poster Session
Cash bar available

Evening – enjoy dinner and Madison on your own

Saturday, May 24, 2014

8:00am – 5:00pm Attendee Services – Promenade Terrace

8:00am – 9:00am Continental Breakfast – Promenade Terrace

Session III – Promenade Hall
Chair: Dexter B. Northrop, Professor Emeritus, School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin – Madison

9:00am – 9:30am Specificity and Promiscuity in a Superfamily of Phosphatases
Karen N. Allen, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Boston University

9:30am – 10:00am Finding Homes for Orphan Enzymes
Frank M. Raushel, Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University

10:00am – 10:20am Break – Promenade Terrace

Session IV – Promenade Hall
Chair: Peter A. Tipton, Professor, Department of Biochemistry, University of Missouri

10:30am – 11:00am When Kinetic Isotope Effects Met Steady State Kinetics 
Judith P. Klinman, Chancellor’s Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of California – Berkeley

11:00am – 11:30am Equilibrium Perturbation: The Case of Isocitrate Lyase 
John S. Blanchard, Dan Danciger Professor of Biochemistry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University

11:30am – 12:00pm The Aromatic Amino Acid Hydrolases
Paul F. Fitzpatrick, Professor, Department of Biochemistry, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

12:15pm – 1:45pm Lunch – Overture Hall Main Lobby

Session V – Promenade Hall
Chair, George H. Reed, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin – Madison

2:00pm – 2:30pm Kinetics, Kinetic Isotope Effects, Transition States and Drug Design
Vern L. Schramm, Professor and Ruth Merns Chair in Biochemistry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University

2:30pm – 3:00pm Case Studies of the Use of Steady-State Enzyme Kinetics in Drug Discovery
Thomas Meek, Vice President, GlaxoSmithKline

3:00pm – 3:30pm Break – Promenade Terrace

Session VI – Promenade Hall
Chair, Perry A. Frey, Robert H. Abeles Professor of Biochemistry Emeritus, Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin – Madison

3:30pm – 4:00pm Structural Basis of the Regulation of Bacterial Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase
Grover L. Waldrop, Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Division, Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University

4:00pm – 4:30pm To Be Announced
Nigel G. J. Richards, Professor and Chair, Department and Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis

4:30pm – 5:00pm Applying Mo Cleland’s Ideas to Phosphite Dehydrogenase
Wilfred van der Donk, Richard E. Heckert Professor of Chemistry, Professor, Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

7:00pm Social Hour – Promenade Lobby

7:45pm Closing Banquet – Overture Hall Main Lobby

Paul F. Cook, George Lynn Cross Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Oklahoma
Philatelic Contributions of Wallace Cleland


Debbie Dunaway-Mariano

Hazel Holden

Frank Raushel

Ivan Rayment

Nigel Richards


Karen Allen – Boston University
Richard Armstrong – Vanderbilt University
Vahe Bandarian – University of Arizona
John Blanchard – Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Squire Booker – Penn State University
Debbie Dunaway-Mariano – University of New Mexico
Paul Fitzpatrick – University Texas – San Antonio
Judith Klinman – University of California – Berkeley
Tom Meek – GlaxoSmithKline
Frank Raushel – Texas A&M
Nigel Richards – Indiana University – Purdue University, Indianapolis
Vern Schramm – Albert Einstein College of Medicine
JoAnne Stubbe – MIT
Wilfred van der Donk – University of Illinois
Grover Waldrop – Louisiana State University

The banquet talk will be given by Professor Paul Cook from the University of Oklahoma, who will tell us about another side of Mo – namely his stamp collecting activities.

Session chairs include:

Perry Frey – University of Wisconsin
Rowena Matthews – University of Michigan
Dexter Northrop – University of Wisconsin
George Reed – University of Wisconsin
Peter Tipton – University of Missouri
Chris Walsh – Harvard University


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